Water Worm
Absorbs Water Only
We all know where water likes to collect in a fuel or oil storage tank, right at the bottom. This water can rot the tank and damage the equipment using the tank. The question is, what to do about it? Siphoning cannot get all the water, and wastes some of the stored product as well. We have a better solution which absorbs water only. We call it the Water Worm.
- absorbs only water
- absorbs over 2 cups of water
- lies at bottom of any fuel or oil storage tank
- only 1.5 inches wide
H2O’s Water Worm is a 48 x 1.5 cloth tube containing a small amount of our water absorbing desiccant. You simply drop the Water Worm into the tank via any convenient opening, being sure to hold onto the attached 7 cord. Secure the cord outside of the tank. After settling to the bottom of the tank, the Water Worm will absorb any water that collects or has collected in the tank.
To check or remove the sock, simply use the attached cord to pull the Water Worm out. If it is full and firm, it’s spent; if not, put the Water Worm back in to collect more water.
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